
Untitled Document

TSSMOD is based on the earlier developments of the FESOM model applied to the TSS by Gürses (2016) and Aydoğdu (2017), who continued to support the further development and the presentation of forecasts at İTÜ. The development of the model to its present state was performed under system evolution tasks of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service ( Black Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Center (Copernicus 24-BS-MFC) activities to develop coupling between the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The forecasts are published 'as is' and currently not aimed yet for any potential downstream use but as a tool to monitor and examine the expected states of the TSS by researchers and interested public.

We thank IMS-METU of Erdemli, Mersin, Turkey, INGV and CMCC of Bologna, Italy for hosting the early development of the model, as well as those who developed and validated it during the 2012-2017 period. Computer resources of the INGV, IMS-METU and İTÜ have been generously allocated for the development. We thank the IMS-METU and İTÜ for continuing to support the current forecasts by providing compute power.

Copyright © Oceanography at EIES - İTÜ 2017